About Laser Dental Wellness Center

We'd like to tell you a little about Laser Dental Wellness Center (Comprehensive Dental Center Associates). We are an association of dental researchers, educators, and professionals formed in Fullerton, California to practice and continually research the finest in health-centered dentistry. Founded by director Richard T. Hansen, DMD, FACAD, this office has been at the same location since 1976, and practicing laser dental techniques since the mid-1990's.

It comprises the active dental practices of Dr. Richard T. Hansen and Dr. Andrew Yoon; a teaching institution for dentists and other health professionals; and a 501c3 non-profit research organization.

At Laser Dental Wellness Center, our mission is to provide the Ultimate in Dental Care, utilizing the latest techniques and equipment, as well as the healthiest and safest dental materials, in the most comfortable, patient-friendly environment available.

We further strive to research new techniques and materials to achieve better patient care and improve the patient's total health picture.

It is then our goal to teach and train other professionals, and learn from them, so that the future of dentistry and patient health is improved.

Even though there are other "Laser Dental Centers" beginning to appear on the scene, we consider our practice to be the original, the most experienced, and the best.

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A better, more comfortable and healthier way to fill teeth!

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